I want to be funny, the engaging writer who can easily lure readers with his natural humor. The creative writer who can do things to your imagination. Or the selfless one, whose top of mind is to evade extremely personal pronouns. But to be honest? I'm tired of trying to be any of them--at trying to sound different and more interesting. I'm just....not.
I suppose I'm another cliche attempt at starting a blog for the nth time, knowing quite well that this will be another shameless pursuit. But there's nothing to waste, is there? My time typing this, my grade in Legal Philosophy...the five minutes you spent scanning this. It's all good.
One of the fringe benefits of starting an anonymous blog is that you can't ever really be truthful about who you are. It works to my advantage, I think, being the lying little fucker I am. That's right: I lie a lot of things, except for certain areas that are just beyond my conscience. Like lying to myself. Or to my boyfriend. Anyone else that matters enough and deserves to know the truth. With anonymity comes the precious power of trying to build who you are, then taking a step back, until finally reveling at the bitter picture you've painted of yourself.
That's exactly what I want to do here. Build myself, piece by piece. Play with possibilities. Lie. Tell the truth, confess. Lay my emotions out on the line, something I've never quite been able to do in real life. Fuck with them, and see where I go from there. Nothing ever really stays the same, anyway.
Sounds interesting, at least on a highly personal level. Hope you get a kick out of it. :)